24小时销售热线:0317-8222288 客户投诉热线: 15831767828 销售一部:孟博 13643262686 18634078666 销售二部:王灿 15632710800 传真: 0317-8058818 销售地址:河北省沧州市运河区吉林大道宏宇瞰都2号楼B栋1001海康工作室 生产地址:河北省泊头市四营经济开发区
公司名称:沧州海康药用包装有限公司 邮 箱:8291722@qq.com
乘车路线:我单位距离沧州高铁站50公里,距离天津机场150公里,北京机场距离我公司220公里,北京乘高铁到沧州50分钟,一个电话给我们,我单位会派车接您,可以派车一同到我单位参观,积极配合您,欢迎广大客户到我公司洽谈。 沧州旅游景点:体育场,铁狮子, 沧州名人植物园,吴桥杂技大世界,人文古迹宗祠牌坊,千童祠,民族风情吴桥杂技民俗风情园,寺庙道观清真北大寺,泊头清真寺,东光铁佛寺,沧州妈祖庙,庆云泰山行宫,清真寺名窟石刻南皮石金刚,金刚亭,文明遗址沧州旧城,铁钱库,武帝台,沧州景点自然风光湖泊白洋淀千里堤,特殊地貌南大港湿地,人造景观桥梁献县单桥石桥,沧州武术院。 沧州的特色名小吃:羊肠汤,火锅鸡, 冯氏香肠 、盐山皮蛋 、交河煎饼 、南皮窝头 、奇美香肠,任丘熏鱼 、 三疣梭子蟹、 渤海对虾、 沧州狮子头、河间驴肉火烧、河间芝麻花酥糖、盐山皮蛋、白洋淀皮蛋、吴桥薄脆饼、肃宁香肠等,沧州羊肚汤,黄骅冬枣。
cangzhou Haikang medicinal packaging Co. Ltd.
Customer complaint hotline: 18634078666
The marketing department: 0317- 8041666
0317- 8049888
0317- 8222288
0317- 8345908
Fax: 0317- 8049888 8222288
Sales Department: Meng Bo 0317-8222288 13643262686 18634078666
Sales Department three: Wang Can 0317-8049888 15831767828
Sales department four: Xu Lian 0317-8345908 13785761680
Q Q online: 8291722
The riding route: my unit from the Cangzhou high-speed rail station 50 km, from Tianjin Airport 150 kilometers, Beijing airport 220 km distance from our company, Beijing by high-speed rail to Cangzhou 50 minutes, a phone call to us, we will send a car to pick you, can send a car to go to my unit to visit, cooperating with you, welcome the broad masses of customers to our company to negotiate. Cangzhou tourist attractions: the stadium, the iron lion, celebrities in Cangzhou botanical garden, Wuqiao acrobatics world, cultural heritage Hall of St. Paul, the temple of thousands of children, ethnic customs of Wuqiao acrobatic folk customs garden, temple Muslim North Temple, Botou mosque, toko tiefosi, Cangzhou Mazu temple, Qingyun Taishan palace, the mosque name cave stone Nanpi stone diamond King Kong Pavilion, civilizations, the old city of Cangzhou, iron money library, Emperor Wu Taiwan Cangzhou attractions, natural scenery of Lake Baiyangdian Qianli embankment, special landform Nandagang wetland, artificial landscape bridge Xianxian County bridge bridge, Cangzhou martial arts academy.
The characteristics of Cangzhou snacks: sheep soup, hot pot of chicken sausage, preserved egg, Feng Yanshan, the Nanpi, Chimei sausage pancake, steamed bread, smoked fish, Renqiu three, Bohai, Cangzhou shrimp crab lion head, flesh of a donkey fire Hejian Hejian sesame hemp flowers, candy, egg, preserved egg, Yanshan Baiyangdian Wuqiao wafer, Suning sausage Cangzhou Province, soup, Huanghua winter jujube.